BC Family Child Care Association Announcement

Dear Friends,
After many meetings, consultations and considerations, due to financial restraints, BCFCCA’s board has no option but to move forward with the dissolution of BC Family Child Care Association.  We are working towards the end of 2024 to be the anticipated date of dissolution.  As a result, we will not be collecting new memberships or renewing existing memberships.
We are currently looking at our options to find a good fit for another organization to take over and continue to offer the Good Beginnings training.
If you are interested in a membership within an organization in Canada please consider looking into a membership with the Canadian Child Care Federation at https://cccf-fcsge.ca/get-involved/members/become-member/
We will keep you updated and ask that if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns, that you reach out to our office.

Thank  you for your support over the many years.


Rena Laberge, Chair
BC Family Child Care Association Board